April Fool 2

I lost the game…

So my story continues.

The April fools day worked and I left for Abuja. Suddenly all sorts of shakara movements began to sprout but not from me 🙄

Mobi met me at the airport with a face eluding any expression whatsoever. Honestly I was confused. I did not know whether to start laughing or crying . He drove very silently only asking me if he could put off the air conditioner. His entire expression at that point was scary so I started calculating the degree of injury I would sustain if I jumped out of a moving vehicle. Finally he spoke.

Him: ” I hope I scared you as much as you scared me yesterday?”

Me: “So I am still serving a punishment? You really terrified me.”

Him: “I took it too far. I am sorry.”

Mobi was the kind of guy you referred to in this modern Nigerian time as a demon. In this case an Igbo demon. The kind you couldn’t trust because he looks like Adam in the Bible and dressed like Anthony Joshua. Well with the magic words and a charming face, he was forgiven.

Game Score: 1-1<<<<<<<
We got to his house where he introduced me to his bother as his queen and at that point I was thinking to myself (two can play that game). As females, you learn to filter what to believe except you haven’t been played before.

The introduction was over and we had drinks before Mobi suggested I accompany him to do some shopping. We got to the mall and he pulled me closer to himself.

Him: “We should walk side by side madam.”

Warning bells in my head start screaming. Casanova line!!! <<<<<<<
On our way back home, he began telling me the names of streets and showing me the different routes that lead to his house. More like he was insinuating I was going to become a regular visitor. Butterflies were in my tummy no matter how hard I tried to listen to the warning bells.

I woke up to kisses the following morning that woke all warning alarms in my body. I quickly jumped off the bed.

Him: “Come on Ola, even virgins get to be kissed once in a while.”

Me: “I knew this was just a stereotype. Because you look good you think you can do whatever you want to a girl?”

Him: “What are talking about?”

I started packing my things into my bag.

Him: “What are you doing?”

Me: “I want to leave Mobi.”

Him: “Your drama is wavy woman. I’ll call a friend at the airport and get you away as fast as possible.”

It was 6PM when I was brooding at the back of a taxi. I knew I had overreacted. Mobi had called me severally but I did not want to talk to him. He sent a message.

I’m sorry I let you leave that way. Please pick up.

Mobi died that night in an accident, and I now I live with the feeling of what would have been everyday. Lesson: All these games of the heart aren’t necessary. You may lose in an unforgettable way.


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